Much like the Facebook Email Reverse Lookup, you are able to do something similar with LinkedIn. Please note a limit of 50 unique email address’s can be searched.

To use this chrome extension it requires you to be logged into a LinkedIn account, once logged in and while that page is active only will the extension work. This is due to the request that’s made to the website requiring a valid token/session.

Simply provide an email address which is of interest to you and click Search. If a match is found the name, profile id, username will be returned as well as the profile image if one exists.

I always recommend using a second account, one which you would’nt be bothered about loosing, when using tools/methods like these.

Version 1.0
Published Sep 3, 2019
MD5 Integrity Verifier 5d59bf3a84672ce09b6f64217abbeeda


I do obfuscate my source code within the chrome extensions i develop. Because of this some anti virus software and/or windows defender may alert them to being a possible trojan.


Always be careful when downloading any Chrome Extension. When downloading, installing and using this Chrome Extension you do so at your own risk.

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